Transform your healthcare company into the future

A boutique consulting company at the forefront of healthcare, technological disruption, strategy, and human behaviour

Experience to support you

Dr Carlo Bellini is the founder of Health Innovation Performance Consulting.For 7 years he has worked with companies - from multi $B healthcare systems to startups - on transformation.He has been a WA winner of the 40 under 40, AFR BOSS Young Executive of the Year, Valedictorian of UWA medical school, and graduated with the Oxford University MBA on the Dean’s Commendation List.His unique ability is fluency across health, strategy, exponential technologies, and psychology.He quickly diagnoses personal and organisation errors and strengths and identify which levers need to be pulled to achieve your goals.Specific multi-disciplinary experience includes:Healthcare - practising Australian registered medical practitioner, previous clinical focus in cardiology, co-founder of a preventative health and chronic disease company and a Health Coaching schoolStrategy/business - ex-Boston Consulting Group, past Fortune 100 Chief Medical Officer to a workforce of 25,000, expert advisor to Government healthcare systems and funds, consultant to Boards/Executives for corporate strategy, commercialisation and innovation strategy, successful entrepreneur of his boutique coaching and consulting business, Non-Executive Director with ~20 years experienceExponential technology/AI - non-technical AI expert, worked in Silicon Valley AI company from 2018 and consulted in AI since, Exponential Organisations certified consultant, Singularity University alumnusInnovation transformation - built many multi-$B hospital and healthcare system innovation programs, a founding National Co-Clinical Lead of the Australian Clinical Entrepreneur Program, expert advisor to the $250M WA Govt Innovation Fund, Executive and Leadership coach


Dr Carlo Bellini

Reach out and see how we can work together

© HIP Consulting. Lvl 1, 284 Oxford St Leederville WA